LPW20 is an entry level vertical form fill machine. This machine is driven by servo
for horizontal sealer & AC drive for bag Pulling. This machine is ideal for medium
speed bagger, which can be synchronized with any one of the following fillers.
LPW200 is medium to high-speed intermittent motion vertical form fill machine.
This machine is configured with high performing CPU. All the functions –
Horizontal Sealer, Bag Puller as well Film roll unwinder is driven by servo motors.
LPW2000 is high-speed intermittent motion vertical form fill machine. This
machine is configured with intelligent Motion Controller. All the functions –
Horizontal Sealer, Bag Puller as well Film roll unwinder is driven by servo motors.
LPW1100 This Multi line machine works on AMAC Principle (Automatic Motion
Algorithm Control) With Free Form Intermittent -motion the movement of the
cross-seal jaws is optimized in three dimensions considering size of pouch &